Thursday, March 12, 2015

Extra Reading Diary - Native American Hero Tales

For this reading diary, I chose to read Native American Hero Tales.

The Jealous Uncle - This story is about an uncle who a;lways kills his nephews when they are about two years old.  The mother of the boys and the uncle's wife agreed to trick the uncle next time there was a boy born, to let him live.  So a boy was born and the ruse worked for a while, but eventually the uncle found out.  He tried to kill him by trapping him in a log.  However, the boy was able to escape from the log.

The Jealous Uncle (cont.) - The unnatural uncle is still trying to kill the boy.  He first tries to kill him by going to gather ducks and eggs.  The uncle pushes the boy over a cliff, and thinks that kills the boy.  However, the boy has some eagle down that he is able to use to float down to the bottom of the cliff and then use to come back up.  The next day the uncle has the boy go get calms and a very large clam eats him up.  But the boy is able to escape and return with some clams for the uncle.

            The boy was put in a box that his uncle had made and the box was put out to sea.  Eventually the boy found himself on the shore of the land that belonged to the Eagle people.  He then married the older daughter of the chief in the land.  As time went on the boy was sad for he missed his parents.  The chief told him to bring his parents to the land of the Eagle People.  He went back to his old village and saw the uncle was treating his parents badly.  He took the uncle to a high cliff and said either be dropped from the sky or swim from the middle of the lake.  The uncle was then dropped from the sky, since he could not swim, and the uncle died. 

            Bluejay and his friends liked to hunt for seals, but only gave lean parts to Grouse.  So one day Grouse made a wooden seal and put it in the water.  The bluejay and his friends spear the seal and it swam for three days into the middle of the ocean.  The bluejay and his friends paddled back, but it took four days to paddle back and they were very tired at the end.  Then squirrel challenged bluejay to a climbing match, which bluejay won in the end. 

            Bluejay and his companions continued to paddled down the shore line and then hair-seal challenged bluejay to a diving match.  Bluejay won so they continued paddling down the coast line.  They then reached a village where they were put to more challenges but, were able to survive those.  Finally bluejay and his companions arrived back at their village and they gave grouse the biggest and fattest seal they could find.

            A young woman was digging up roots and ended up digging a baby from the ground.  She did not want to raise the child so she had her grandmother raise the child.  The boy learned to kill many things.  When he had become a man, the young woman would go out all day and come back at night with very long acorns.  Eventually he decided that he was going to follow her.  So eh followed her and saw where she got the acorns from.  He then decided to go get some of the acorns.  After he got some of the acorns, he killed a white deer, and then his mother recognized him as her son. 

            This story was very confusing because it suddenly brought in a bunch of characters that I did not know where they had come from or who they were.

 The Attack on the Giant Elk - It was mean for all of the other animals wanting to attack the giant elk for no good reason.

The Attack on the Giant Elk - The attack on the giant elk, continued to be hard and unnecessary.  But the right person won in the end.  

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