Friday, March 20, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 9

Spring Break is almost over, and I can't believe it.  My spring break was spent down in Naples, Florida.  I went to visit my family and had the most relaxing vacation I have had in a while.  It seemed like every other vacation I have had in the past few years, I have either been planning for something, studying something, researching something or working.  This was the first vacation where I was able to relax and not worry about anything school related.
Personal Photo of Tiger Tail Beach
One of the main reasons I was able to do that, is that I have been officially accepted into graduate school!  It was the biggest relief for me to receive the notification and to say, I officially have a plan for next year.  The school I was accepted to was OSU (I know, I know, our rivals).  However, they have one of the best school psychology programs in the country and I have wanted to go there, and have been working on getting into there, for about two years now.  So the fact that I was accepted was a dream come true.  There is one other school I am waiting on before I make my official decision.  I am currently waitlisted there, so there is a possibility I could be accepted and I want to consider all of my options before making a decision.  However, I will most likely be heading up to Stillwater in the fall and I cannot wait to start my future career.  

I know that it will be hard for me to keep the momentum as the school year comes to a close, but considering graduation is less than two months away, I will just have to keep pushing myself so I can reach the end.  For all of those who are still juniors, or graduating in December, watch out.  Because graduation will creep up on you before you know it.  


  1. Hey Meghan,

    I also can't believe that Spring Break is over. Every year it seems to go by too quickly. I also went to the beach this year, but I was in Gulf Shores, Alabama. I have never been to Naples, but from the personal photo you posted it looks like a nice place to vacation. Congratulations on being officially accepted to graduate school! That's a huge accomplishment. You are sure to have a big future ahead. Best of luck!

  2. Hi Meghan,

    It is fantastic to hear that you've been accepted to graduate school and could take a while to cool your jets on Spring Break. There's something about "unplugging" from the fray of school and work that's appropriately liberating - it's an important balance to productivity, I think.

    As far as your graduate program goes, is there a particular element of school psychology that piques your interest? What will be your primary focus?

    Best of luck with the rest of the semester, and with your coming studies.

  3. Hey Meghan, congrats on getting accepted into grad school. I know how stressful it can be to wait to hear back from different schools, and also know all that goes into applying to them. People think it is just getting a degree and then filling out an app and it is so much more. congrats on your achievement and good luck.
