For this reading diary, I am finishing reading Nigerian Folk Stories.
The Lightening and the Thunder - I like the idea of making the lighting and the thunder a son and mother duo. It is very fitting for how they got into the sky and how they happen with each other, most of the time.
The Bush Cow and the Elephant - While a very interesting story and one that makes a lot of sense for why wild animals fight in the bush now, it is sad that the elephant and the bush cow had to die slow painful deaths in order to for it to happen.
The Cock Who Caused a Fight Between Two Towns - This was a story that turned violent quickly. If Ama Ukwa was jealous of both brothers, he could have definitely found a different way to become better than the brothers than try to create a fight that ultimately led to his death.
The Affair of the Hippopotamus and the Tortoise - I think that it was sad the hippo did not want to share his feast with the other animals. If you do not want anyone to know your name, or you are two embarrassed by it, you shouldn't have people try and guess it.
Why Dead People Are Buried - This story was short, sweet and straight to the point. I wonder why the part about the dog not being liked was included. I am assuming because in Nigeria dogs are not as much liked as they are here in America.
Of the Fat Woman Who Melted Away - The woman who was made of oil, was basically forced to go into the sun for it melted her away. But her sister was able to save her toe so she could become whole again.
Why The Moon Waxes and Wanes - Why were the people who lived in the town so concerned with the moon? They did all of their work during the day, so what would the difference be if they could not see the moon?
How the Tortoise Overcame and Elephant and the Hippopotamus - This story shows that brains will always overcome brawn.
The King and the 'Nsait Bird - The female 'nsait bird is a very pretty bird and I can see how the king would want to marry her.
Concerning the Hawk and the Owl - It was certainly rather nice of the hawk to return the owlet to its parents and then find another source of food.
The 'Nsasak Bird and the Oududu bird - Once again, this is a story that shows that cunning-ness helps over all other things.
The Election of the King Bird - Sometimes, even if you are much more cunning than the others, you have to let the one with the most brawn and greatest strength be victorious.
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